Dr. Ieva Žebrytė

Dr. Ieva Žebrytė defended her PhD in Management thesis at the ISM University of Management and Economics (Lithuania), in 2024, topic “Resilience practices by small business owner-managers of vulnerable entrepreneuring ecosystems.” Her research interests include Sustainability Entrepreneuring, Small Business Resilience, Sustainable Development and Entrepreneuring Ecosystems. She holds a Master of Law degree (2005, Lithuania) and Master’s in Local and Regional Human Development (2015, Chile), as well as a specialty diploma in “Innovation and Territory” from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2016, Spain). 

After her graduation, Ieva remains associated to the ISM University sponsored GUESSS Lithuania team which researches Lithuanian college and university students’ entrepreneurship, as well as with the research project “Relationship between Founders’ Age and Company Performance: Cross-cultural Comparison of these Characteristics in Young Innovative Companies” (LMT project No. S-MIP-23-111).

Between 2015 and 2022 Ieva used to work as full-time academic at the Faculty of Law and Business (FCJE) of the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), Chile. She taught Resilient Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development, and International Business & Trade on undergraduate level, and Resilient Entrepreneurship for Local Development on graduate level. Between 2017 and 2020 she served as the Director for Community Engagement of FCJE-UFRO, Chile.


Žebrytė, I. (2023). Resilient business models for sustainability entrepreneuring: Stories from Wallmapu, Abya Yala. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Business Models (pp. 1-7). Maastricht University Press
Žebrytė, I. (2022). Playbook para docentes en Emprendimiento Sostenible. Universidad de La Frontera
Žebrytė, I., & Lefiman, J. (2022). Resiliencia de negocios para el desarrollo sostenible: evidencias desde Turismo Mapuche en Wallmapu, Abya Yala. In Simposio Internacional de Investigación Científica en Turismo "Transformaciones del Turismo en Latinoamérica y el Caribe" (pp. 1-20). SOCIETUR, CLAIT ir Universidad Austral de Chile
Žebrytė, I., Partarrieu Vistoso, M., & Traipi Huilipan, N. (2022). Reporte GEM para la región de La Araucanía 2020-2021. Universidad de La Frontera
Cantatore, F., Mesa Tejeda, N., Stevenson Graf, L., Žebrytė, I., & Guerrero, J. (2022). SMEs in Australia and Latin America: A comparative study of regulation and reality of in encroaching COVID19 pandemic. Jurídicas, 19(1), 293-325. https://doi.org/10.17151/jurid.2022.19.1.17
Liubertė, I., Žebrytė, I., & Goštautaitė, B. (2022). Entrepreneurial Spirit Among Students in Lithuania 2021. National Report on the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) 2021 in Lithuania. Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas
Žebrytė, I. (2021). Multi-scale model to improve resilience of MSMEs and local communities to disasters: socioecosistemic approach. In 16º Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas, 20 e 21 de outubro (pp. 1-3). Centro Universitário Municipal de Franca – Uni-FACEF, Brazil
Žebrytė, I. (2021). Technology-mediated decolonizing teaching-learning of sustainable entrepreneurship. International Council for Small Business.
Žebrytė, I. (2021). Values-based entrepreneuring: Advancing resilience processes of MSMEs and communities in emerging economies. In 65th World Congress International Council for Small Business hybrid (Paris, Whova and Zoom), 12-16 of July (pp. 1-12). International Council for Small Business (ICSB)
Žebrytė, I. (2021). Values-based entrepreneuring: Advancing resilience processes of MSMEs and communities in emerging economies. In Humane Entrepreneurship in a Dynamic World. Conference Event in Conjunction with MSMEs Day, June 27 (pp. 1-6). Everywhere through ZOOM: ICSB
Žebrytė, I., Ramírez-Valdivia, M. T., & Bustos, J. M. (2021). Knowledge for natural disaster-resilient businesses in emerging economies: A focus on decision-making by tourism entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 43(1), 61-83. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJESB.2021.115315
Barahona Vidal, V., Žebrytė, I., Ramírez Valdivia, M., & Ñanculeo Raguileo, M. (2021). Manual para mejorar la resiliencia de las MiPyMEs regionales frente a desastres y crisis. Universidad de La Frontera
Matus, S., & Žebrytė, I. (2021). Regeneration and resilience practices of indigenous womenpreneurs of the Americas. In 65th World Congress International Council for Small Business hybrid (Paris, Whova and Zoom), 12-16 of July (pp. 1-16). International Council for Small Business (ICSB)
Žebrytė, I. (2020). Indigenous. Youth. Women. Entrepreneurship. Resilience Stories from Wallmapu, Abya Yala. ICSB WE Conference: ICSB’s First Global Conference Run for and by Entrepreneurial Women, 1-18
Žebrytė, I. (2020). Teoría y práctica detrás del concepto de MiPYMEs resilientes: experiencias chilenas. ICSB Intercambios, 1-2
Žebrytė, I., & Jorquera, H. (2019). Business model co-creation for social value generation in emerging economy tourist destinations. In International Conference on New Business Models. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Business Models: New Business Models for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Transformation (pp. 768-769). Berlin: ESCP Europe
Žebrytė, I., Fonseca-Vasquez, F., & Hartley, R. (2019). Emerging economy entrepreneurs and open data: Decision-making for natural disaster resilience. Journal of small business strategy, 29(1), 36-47.
Žebrytė, I., & Jorquera, H. (2017). Chilean tourism sector “B Corporations”: evidence of social entrepreneurship and innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 23(6), 866-879. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-07-2017-0218
Žėbrytė, I., & Villegas-Benavente, L. (2016). La teoría del refugio de contaminación: efectos de la inversión extranjera directa a escala local en Chile. Revista Jurídicas, 13(1), 24-40.
Žėbrytė, I., Valeska Medina, M., & Parra, K. R. (2015). Instancias sociales formales de participación ciudadana para migrantes internacionales no convencionales en Chile. Revista chilena de derecho y ciencia politica, 6, 2, 117-143


Žebrytė, I. (2020). Indigenous. Youth. Women. Entrepreneurship. Resilience Stories from Wallmapu, Abya Yala. ICSB WE Conference: ICSB’s First Global Conference Run for and by Entrepreneurial Women, 1-18
Žebrytė, I. (2020). Teoría y práctica detrás del concepto de MiPYMEs resilientes: experiencias chilenas. ICSB Intercambios, 1-2
Žebrytė, I. (2021). Multi-scale model to improve resilience of MSMEs and local communities to disasters: socioecosistemic approach. In 16º Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas, 20 e 21 de outubro (pp. 1-3). Centro Universitário Municipal de Franca – Uni-FACEF, Brazil
Žebrytė, I. (2021). Technology-mediated decolonizing teaching-learning of sustainable entrepreneurship. International Council for Small Business.
Žebrytė, I. (2021). Values-based entrepreneuring: Advancing resilience processes of MSMEs and communities in emerging economies. In 65th World Congress International Council for Small Business hybrid (Paris, Whova and Zoom), 12-16 of July (pp. 1-12). International Council for Small Business (ICSB)
Žebrytė, I. (2021). Values-based entrepreneuring: Advancing resilience processes of MSMEs and communities in emerging economies. In Humane Entrepreneurship in a Dynamic World. Conference Event in Conjunction with MSMEs Day, June 27 (pp. 1-6). Everywhere through ZOOM: ICSB
Žebrytė, I. (2022). Playbook para docentes en Emprendimiento Sostenible. Universidad de La Frontera
Žebrytė, I. (2023). Resilient business models for sustainability entrepreneuring: Stories from Wallmapu, Abya Yala. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Business Models (pp. 1-7). Maastricht University Press
Žebrytė, I., & Jorquera, H. (2017). Chilean tourism sector “B Corporations”: evidence of social entrepreneurship and innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 23(6), 866-879. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-07-2017-0218
Žebrytė, I., & Jorquera, H. (2019). Business model co-creation for social value generation in emerging economy tourist destinations. In International Conference on New Business Models. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Business Models: New Business Models for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Transformation (pp. 768-769). Berlin: ESCP Europe
Žebrytė, I., & Lefiman, J. (2022). Resiliencia de negocios para el desarrollo sostenible: evidencias desde Turismo Mapuche en Wallmapu, Abya Yala. In Simposio Internacional de Investigación Científica en Turismo „Transformaciones del Turismo en Latinoamérica y el Caribe” (pp. 1-20). SOCIETUR, CLAIT ir Universidad Austral de Chile
Žebrytė, I., Fonseca-Vasquez, F., & Hartley, R. (2019). Emerging economy entrepreneurs and open data: Decision-making for natural disaster resilience. Journal of small business strategy, 29(1), 36-47.
Žebrytė, I., Partarrieu Vistoso, M., & Traipi Huilipan, N. (2022). Reporte GEM para la región de La Araucanía 2020-2021. Universidad de La Frontera
Žebrytė, I., Ramírez-Valdivia, M. T., & Bustos, J. M. (2021). Knowledge for natural disaster-resilient businesses in emerging economies: A focus on decision-making by tourism entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 43(1), 61-83. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJESB.2021.115315
Barahona Vidal, V., Žebrytė, I., Ramírez Valdivia, M., & Ñanculeo Raguileo, M. (2021). Manual para mejorar la resiliencia de las MiPyMEs regionales frente a desastres y crisis. Universidad de La Frontera
Cantatore, F., Mesa Tejeda, N., Stevenson Graf, L., Žebrytė, I., & Guerrero, J. (2022). SMEs in Australia and Latin America: A comparative study of regulation and reality of in encroaching COVID19 pandemic. Jurídicas, 19(1), 293-325. https://doi.org/10.17151/jurid.2022.19.1.17
Liubertė, I., Žebrytė, I., & Goštautaitė, B. (2022). Entrepreneurial Spirit Among Students in Lithuania 2021. National Report on the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) 2021 in Lithuania. Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas
Matus, S., & Žebrytė, I. (2021). Regeneration and resilience practices of indigenous womenpreneurs of the Americas. In 65th World Congress International Council for Small Business hybrid (Paris, Whova and Zoom), 12-16 of July (pp. 1-16). International Council for Small Business (ICSB)
Žėbrytė, I., & Villegas-Benavente, L. (2016). La teoría del refugio de contaminación: efectos de la inversión extranjera directa a escala local en Chile. Revista Jurídicas, 13(1), 24-40.
Žėbrytė, I., Valeska Medina, M., & Parra, K. R. (2015). Instancias sociales formales de participación ciudadana para migrantes internacionales no convencionales en Chile. Revista chilena de derecho y ciencia politica, 6, 2, 117-143