Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Liubertė

Irina Liubertė
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Liubertė

Associate Professor

iriliu@faculty.ism.ltORCIDGoogle Scholar

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Liubertė defended dissertation at ISM University of Management and Economics. Before returning to academia, for thirteen years she worked in market research project management, methodology and compliance in the pharmaceutical market research industry. Irina did internships at UK universities (Warwick Business School and Cass Business School), and presented papers at international scientific conference such as The Annual Meeting of Academy of Management and EGOS (European Group for Organization Studies) Colloquium. Currently, Irina actively works on research projects and teaches research methods at Global Leadership and Strategy and Executive master programs.

Research areas

  • Language and communication
  • Entrepreneuring and organizing
  • Inter-organizational collaboration strategies
  • Practice theory
  • Methodological issues in Organization studies


Liubertė, I. (2017). The ways firms share and hide: Knowledge secrecy in inter-firm cooperation. In 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), July 6-8, 2017 (33, pp. 1-25). Copenhagen: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
Liubertė, I. (2018). Dealing with uncertainty in communication: A reflective account on talking about knowledge sharing and secrecy with an entrepreneur having secretive concerns. In ESU 2018 Conference and Doctoral Program on Entrepreneurship, University of Lodz, September 9-15th, 2018 (pp. 1-15). Lodz: European University Network on Entrepreneurship (ESU)
Liubertė, I. (2018). Organizing secrecy in inter-firm cooperation. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2018 (pp. 1-40). Chicago: Academy of Management (AOM)
Liubertė, I. (2018). Theorising practice and developing practically relevant insights in organisational research. Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai, 79, 55-70.
Liubertė, I. (2019). Knowledge sharing and secrecy in inter-firm cooperation [Doctoral dissertation]. ISM University of Management and Economics
Liubertė, I. (2019). On social knowledge and its empirical investigation in contemporary organisations. Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai, 81, 21-37.
Liubertė, I. (2020). Breaking organizational silence. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1).
Liubertė, I. (2023). Tiriamieji darbai. Vilniaus Vytauto Didžiojo gimnazijos praktinė konferencija „Šiuolaikinė pamoka augančiame Vilniuje“, sausio 5d., 1-32
Liubertė, I., & Dimov, D. (2020). The evolution of entrepreneurial communication in opportunity development. In 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (pp. 1-1)
Liubertė, I., & Dimov, D. (2021). The power of language in envisioning opportunities and the slippery slope of fiction: Paper Session #1: Role of narratives and fictions in organisation creation / Sub-theme 51: Organization-in-Creation: The Processes and Practices of Entrepreneuring. In 37th Online European Group for Oranizational Studies Colloquium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), 8-10, July (37, pp. 1-26). Amsterdam: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
Liubertė, I., & Dimov, D. (2021). “One tiny drop changes everything”: Constructing opportunity with words. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15, 1-8.
Liubertė, I., & Feuls, M. (2019). Entrepreneurial uncertainty and language games. In 4th Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference and PhD Symposium (pp. 1-16). Nantes, France
Liubertė, I., & Feuls, M. (2020). Uncertainty as generated through social practices in biotechnology entrepreneuring. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1).
Liubertė, I., & Feuls, M. (2022). Interviewing as social practice. In N. A. Thompson, O. Byrne, A. Jenkins, & B. T. Teague (Eds.), Handbooks of Business and Management Research as Practice series. Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship as Practice (pp. 250-265). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Liubertė, I., & Goštautaitė, B. (2021). Presenter symposium: Silence in and around organizations: New insights and implications for future research. In Academy of Management Proceedings (1, pp. 1-45). Academy of Management
Bučiūnienė, I., Goštautaitė, B., Moniz, A., Stankevičiūtė, Ž., Liubertė, I., & Reay, P. (2019). The role of sustainable HRM in the context of emerging technologies: The case of industrial robots. In 12th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (12, pp. 1582-1584). Thessaloniki: EuroMed Press.
Goštautaitė, B., Liubertė, I., Bučiūnienė, I., Stankevičiūtė, Ž., Staniškienė, E., Reay, T., & Moniz, A. (2019). Robots at work: how human-robot interaction changes work design. In 19th Eawop Congress, May 29 – June 1. Turin, Italy.
Goštautaitė, B., Liubertė, I., Bučiūnienė, I., Stankevičiūtė, Ž., Staniškienė, E., & Moniz, A. B. (2019). Crafting jobs and sharing social space with robots. In Academy of Management Proceedings (2019, 1, pp. 1-1). Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management
Goštautaitė, B., Pilkienė, M., Petreikienė, D., & Liubertė, I. (2022). Career imprints of Lithuanian schoolteachers: the “silenced generation” in changed times. 38th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing: the beauty of imperfection. Vienna, Austria.
Goštautaitė, B., Schroder, H., Pilkienė, M., Petreikienė, D., & Liubertė, I. (2021). Career imprints of older workers and proactive behaviors at work in Germany and Lithuania. In 6th Age In The Workplace Small Group Meeting (pp. 28-29). Groningen: University of Groningen; Tilburg University
Liubertė, I., & Reay, T. (2018). Breaking organizational silence: Sub-theme 01: [SWG] Ethnography: Surprises, Stories, Speaking Out. In 34th EGOS Colloquium 2018, Estonian Business Scholl, July 5-7th, 2018 (pp. 1-24). Tallinn: European Group for Organizational Research (EGOS)
Liubertė, I., Goštautaitė, B., Staniškienė, E., Stankevičiūtė, Ž., Bučiūnienė, I., Reay, T., & Moniz, A. B. (2019). The human side of robots and the robot side of us: Adjusting social lenses. In International Conference on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (pp. 1-13). Brighton, UK
Liubertė, I., Goštautaitė, B., Stankevičiūtė, Ž., Reay, T., Staniškienė, E., Bučiūnienė, I., & Moniz, A. B. (2019). Robot as a ‘co-worker’, social order and communication: pouring new wine into old wineskins: Sub-theme 05: [SWG] Organization as Communication: Exploring the Communicative Incarnation of Organization. In 35th EGOS Colloquium, University of Edinburgh Business School, July 4-6th, 2019 (pp. 1-19). Edinburgh: European Group for Organizational Research (EGOS)
Liubertė, I., Petreikienė, D., Goštautaitė, B., & Pilkienė, M. (2021). Methodological challenges to studying silence in organizations: Silence In and Around Organizations: New Insights and Implications for Future Research. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 30-35.
Liubertė, I., Reay, T., Barrett, M., Beane, M., Goštautaitė, B., Lefsrude, L., & Seamans, R. C. (2020). How robots and automation change human work. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1).
Liubertė, I., Žebrytė, I., & Goštautaitė, B. (2022). Entrepreneurial Spirit Among Students in Lithuania 2021. National Report on the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) 2021 in Lithuania. Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Liubertė, I., & Matonytė, I. (2021). Improvement of long-term care for older people via inter-sectoral and inter-organizational collaboration. In 5th International Conference on Public Policy, Barcelona, 05-09, July (pp. 1-1). International Public Policy Association
Staniškienė, E., Stankevičiūtė, Ž., Bučiūnienė, I., Goštautaitė, B., Liubertė, I., Reay, T., & Moniz, A. (2019). Understanding staff well-being in the context of rapid automation: the case of a manufacturing company. In EURAM 2019: exploring the future of management, 26-28, June, 2019, Lisboa, Portugal (pp. 1-28). Lisboa: European Academy of Management.
Tunkevičiūtė, M., & Liubertė, I. (2021). The value of business accelerators to entrepreneurial learning. In 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (Online) (pp. 1-1)