Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jonathan Boyd

Jonathan Boyd
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jonathan Boyd

Associate Professor

Associate Professor Dr. Jonathan Boyd was born near Toronto in Canada and received a BA (Hons) in Political Science with a minor in Biology from McMaster University, and an MA in Political Theory from the University of Western Ontario. Directly afterwards, he worked at a Toronto daily newspaper in the advertising department. He then decided to pursue a PhD, and received a scholarship to study International Relations at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, which is the third oldest university in the English-speaking world, established in 1413.After being awarded his PhD, Dr. Boyd worked briefly for the Centre for Global Constitutionalism in St Andrews, then moved to London to lecture at the University of Reading. He began teaching at ISM University in 2015, and his teaching portfolio includes: International Relations, History of Political Thought, Macroeconomics, and Microeconomics.Dr. Jonathan Boyd also teaches regularly in London: he is an Adjunct Professor for the overseas programme of James Madison University, in which he teaches British Media & Politics; he teaches a Human Rights course for University of Connecticut Business School; and he teaches a British/European Politics course for the Catholic University of America.Associate Professor has participated in numerous international academic conferences, including:

  • Challenges of Europe, Croatia
  • International Studies Association, Toronto
  • International Studies Association, San Francisco
  • Nuceleo de Estudantes de Relacoes Internacionais da Universidade de Evora, Portugal
  • British International Studies Association, Edinburgh
  • British International Studies Association, Manchester
  • Workshops in Political Theory, Manchester
  • Grupos de Trabajo del VIII Congreso de nuestra Asociacion, Valencia, Spain

„I work at ISM because I find teaching ISM students to be incredibly rewarding: ISM students are ambitious, clever, and curious, and the best ISM students are without a doubt world-class. I want each ISM student that I teach to be able to compete in the global marketplace of ideas, and my small contribution to that aim is to share my international experience.My main goal at ISM is to bring the latest and best ideas and teaching material from abroad, and introduce them to ISM students. I am always on the lookout for different approaches and distinctive material. At ISM, for instance, I have recently introduced a new open-source platform called Core Econ — which is a revolutionary and interactive way to teach modern economics – and it is ideal for ISM students who want be at the forefront of economic thinking and want to understand the most pressing economic issues of our age: innovation, inequality, and environmental sustainability.Curiosity is the foundation of learning, and therefore each of my lectures or seminars is based on a particular question or a problem that I believe will spark the curiosity of ISM students. For instance, one of my economics lectures begins with the question: will robots and AI replace our jobs? One of my international relations lectures begins with the question: why is it so hard for the world‘s nations to cooperate on climate change action? And one of my history of political thought lectures begins with the question: to exercise power effectively, is it better for a leader to be feared or loved?As for my leisure time, I live a quiet life, and enjoy walking my dog through the parks and nature trails in and around Vilnius, and hunting for books in London‘s used bookstores. I also watch far more Hollywood films than an otherwise cultured professor probably should.

Research areas

  • International relationship
  • Security studies
  • Foreign politics
  • History of political thought

Teaching areas

  • International Relationships
  • Macroeconomics
  • Security Studies
  • Foreign Politics
  • Politic Studies
  • History of Political Thought
  • Social Science Research Methods


Huettinger, M., & Boyd, J. A. (2020). Taxation of robots – what would have been the view of Smith and Marx on it? International Journal of Social Economics, 47(1), 41-53.
Huettinger, M., Zirgulis, A., Boyd, J., Verseckaitė, E., & Kušlys, M. (2020). Pramonės 4.0 iššūkiai: Našumo, užimtumo ir integralaus augimo sprendimai. Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas
Boyd, J., & Huettinger, M. (2019). Smithian insights on automation and the future of work. Futures, 111, 104-115.
Boyd, J., & Kušlys, M. (2019). Is employer-provided training increasing job polarisation? Evidence from Europe’s PIAAC survey. In Challenges of Europe: Growth, Competitiveness, Innovation and Well-being (pp. 35- 35). University of Split.
Boyd, J. (2017). American foreign policy think tanks and their views on Baltic security. Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review, 15(1), 9-41.
Boyd, J. (2017). JAV užsienio politikos tyrimų ir analizės centrai ir jų požiūris į Baltijos valstybių saugumą. Lietuvos metinė strateginė apžvalga, 15(1), 9-42.


Boyd, J. (2017). American foreign policy think tanks and their views on Baltic security. Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review, 15(1), 9-41.
Boyd, J. (2017). JAV užsienio politikos tyrimų ir analizės centrai ir jų požiūris į Baltijos valstybių saugumą. Lietuvos metinė strateginė apžvalga, 15(1), 9-42.
Boyd, J., & Huettinger, M. (2019). Smithian insights on automation and the future of work. Futures, 111, 104-115.
Boyd, J., & Kušlys, M. (2019). Is employer-provided training increasing job polarisation? Evidence from Europe’s PIAAC survey. In Challenges of Europe: Growth, Competitiveness, Innovation and Well-being (pp. 35- 35). University of Split.
Huettinger, M., & Boyd, J. A. (2020). Taxation of robots – what would have been the view of Smith and Marx on it? International Journal of Social Economics, 47(1), 41-53.
Huettinger, M., Zirgulis, A., Boyd, J., Verseckaitė, E., & Kušlys, M. (2020). Pramonės 4.0 iššūkiai: Našumo, užimtumo ir integralaus augimo sprendimai. Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas