Kristina Maikštėnienė

Kristina Maikštėnienė
Kristina Maikštėnienė

Senior Lecturer
Kristina is the Head of the Business Development and Sustainability programme and serves as Senior Lecturer. Previously, Kristina was Head of the ISM Marketing Strategy and Management programme (leading to a Master of Management degree) since the year 2000. Kristina holds MBA degree with concentration in marketing and strategy from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Master of Arts degree in Economics with concentration in Finance from Central European University & University of the State of New York, and Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics from Kaunas University of Technology. She has been developing her competencies at leading U.S., Asian and European business schools (including Wharton Business School, Harvard Business School, University of Chicago Booth School, Fudan University, Singapore Management University, Copenhagen Business School), and has delivered lectures and conference speeches in 14 countries. Kristina’s pre-ISM experience includes brand management at Procter and Gamble Baltics, Poland and Belarus. She has also accumulated 15 years of expertise as marketing and business consultant to domestic and international corporations Kristina serves on editorial advisory board of “Baltic Journal of Management” (Emerald Publishing), is a member of American Marketing Association (AMA), Strategic Management Society (SMS) and Academy of International Business (AIB).


  • Received the Executive School Teacher-Consultant Of The Year 2012 Award

Research areas

  • Customer Choice Behaviour

Teaching areas

  •  Marketing
  • International Markets Strategy


Maikštėnienė, K. (2017). Multisided platform or service reseller? How business model impacts the choice of professional service provide. In 26th annual frontiers in service conference, June 22-25, (pp. 274-274). New York: Fordham university
Maikštėnienė, K. (2017). Social network characteristics that influence seller’s decision to join a sharing economy platform. In Social network conference (International Network for Social Network Analysis – INSNA), May 30 – June 4, (pp. 282-283). Beijing: INSNA
Maikštėnienė, K. (2018). Better than us, humans? Perceived value of artificial intelligence in B2B lead generation. In 2018 ISBM Academic Conference (pp. 1-1). Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Maikštėnienė, K. (2018). Estimating interfirm network effects for participants in food delivery platforms. In 8th International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks (pp. 1-2). Vienna: University of Vienna
Maikštėnienė, K. (2018). Personal networks in Baltic tech innovators: The world is an opportunity, neighborhood is a glass ball? In The 2018 AABS Conference at Stanford University (pp. 1-3). Stanford: Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies
Maikštėnienė, K. (2018). Sellers’ decision to join a multisided platform: The impact of same-side network structure. In 2018 Summer AMA Conference (pp. 1-3). Boston: American Marketing Association
Maikštėnienė, K. (2018). The impact of same-side network structure on customers’ choice of a digital service platform. In Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy Forum 2018 (pp. 1-1). University of Warwick, Venice
Maikštėnienė, K. (2019). The case with a thousand faces: Teaching innovation for the class that hasn’t prepared. In Academy of Management 2019 Annual Meeting (pp. 256-258). Boston: Academy of Management