Lilija Vilkancienė

Lilija Vilkancienė
Lilija Vilkancienė

Senior Lecturer

Overall teaching experience of Senior Lecturer Lilija Vilkancienė includes teaching at Vilnius University, Public Service Language Centre, managing different EU projects on teaching English for Special Purposes e.g. Business English, Military English, English for Railway sector staffs. Teacher trainer and facilitator on different British Council projects including Human Rights Education project, CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning project in 2004-2006. From 2007 to 2012 also a Teacher trainer at NILE, Norwich Institute for Language Education, UK, teaching CLIL methodology on summer courses for secondary school teachers from different countries, including Spain, Italy, Germany, etc. In 2011-2012 Manager of a CLIL Development in Lithuania project at Foreign Language Institute of Vilnius University. The lecturer participated in teaching staff mobility programmes ERASMUS and ERASMUS+ and taught at Ecole de Commerce Europeenne – INSEEC, Bordeaux (France, 2013), University of Sarajevo, School of Economics and Business (Bosnia and Hercogovina, 2017), and University of Ljublijana, School of Economics and Business (Slovenia, 2019). The lecturer participates in the activities of English language teachers‘ and lecturers‘ associations in Lithuania, attends their events and conferences.

Research areas

  • Foreign language teaching and CLIL pedagogy
  • Higher education

Teaching areas

  • Academic Writing
  • Business English and Effective Communication
  • English for Finance


Bučiūnienė, I., Vilkancienė, L., & Alonderienė, R. (2024). Lithuania: Devbridge Lithuania: the war for IT talents:The Global Human Resource Management Casebook. New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003307099-12
Vilkancienė, L., & Rozgienė, I. (2017). CLIL teacher competences and attitudes. Sustainable multilingualism, 11(1), 196-218.


Vilkancienė, L., & Rozgienė, I. (2017). CLIL teacher competences and attitudes. Sustainable multilingualism, 11(1), 196-218.
Bučiūnienė, I., Vilkancienė, L., & Alonderienė, R. (2024). Lithuania: Devbridge Lithuania: the war for IT talents:The Global Human Resource Management Casebook. New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003307099-12