Prof. Dr. Janis Angelis

Prof. Dr. Janis Angelis

Visiting professor at ISM

janang@faculty.ism.ltORCIDGoogle Scholar

Jannis is a Docent / Reader in Operations Strategy at Indek. Prior readings include a PhD in operations management from Cambridge, MPhil in political economy from Cambridge, MA in China studies from SOAS, Cert in medical innovation from Oxford, and MSc in international relations from Stockholm.

Exploring the space where technology meets management, the research has explored operational flexibility at P&G at Cambridge (Judge Business School), strategy at Harvard (HBS), flexibility and productivity in knowledge-intensive firms at Stanford (Dep of Economics) and Berkeley (Haas School of Business), the human side lean at Cambridge (Dep of Engineering, Institute for Manufacturing), high performance organisations in aerospace at Oxford (Said Business School) and MIT (Engineering Systems Division).

With previous teachings at Cambridge, Warwick and Stockholm, Jannis was a country champion on teaching excellence at Oxford university’s education society. He has also been a researcher at IFN Research Institute of Industrial Economics and Professor of Digitalisation at the Gunilla Bradley Centre.

Professional roles include work on export processing zones at the ILO (UN), associate director in a venture capital firm in London, director of a niche consulting firm, and international consultant at ITC (WTO/UNCTAD).

Academic output has in brief been 40-odd journal articles, 5 books, 13 book chapters, over 200 articles in conference proceedings and others writings, many invited academic, policy and business related talks, supervised nine PhDs and 400 student projects, awarded €1,4m in grants, led three major research projects, advised on policy and assessed EU and national grants, while collecting four teaching awards and eight research awards in the process including the international lean and operational excellence Shingo Prize and the Skinner and Voss best papers awards.

Research areas

  • Business models and technologies
  • Realising value through Blockchain 4.0
  • Data-driven management
  • Service strategies

Teaching areas

  • Operations and Supply Chain Strategy
  • Research Frontiers in Industrial Management