Prof. Dr. Valdonė Darškuvienė

Valdonė Darškuvienė
Prof. Dr. Valdonė Darškuvienė


valdone.darskuviene@ism.ltORCIDGoogle Scholar
Dr. (hp) Valdonė Darškuvienė is professor of finance, with rich teaching and consulting expertise in corporate finance, valuation, financial strategy, corporate governance. She is invited guest lecturer and speaker in international research conferences and public business events.Research focuses on financial economics, industrial organization, corporate finance and corporate governance, behavioural finance and implications of financial technologies, sustainability issues. She has published on capital and ownership structure, family firms, staff financial participation, corporate governance and CSR, behavioural implications of fintech in financial markets. Her publications, based on joint research projects with partners from London School of Economics (LSE), Freie-Universitat Berlin, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Corvinus university, and others, were published in international monographs, research papers, EU policy documents, including Eurofound PEPPER reports, EFES Position paper.Active member of international research networks and partnerships. Since 2021 she is EC DG Programme Committee for the specific programme implementing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation –  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) advisory group member, country expert, focusing on development of research funding policy. Expert of the Lithuanian Research Council, initiated the National Science Programme „Welfare Society” (2016), member of its steering group. She is a founding member of the Baltic Family Firm Institute (BFFI) (2022) and a member of the Board. Founder (2018) and member of the Baltic Economic Association, dedicated to the development of economic science in the Baltic States. Member of CIRIEC International scientific committee on research on public enterprises. Has served EC DG H2020 MSCA advisory group member (2014-2017), developing legislative proposals and policy initiatives in the field of capacity building and career development for researchers.  EC DG H2020 Gender Advisory Group (2014-2017) member, prepared proposals to the European Commission on how to integrate the gender diversity dimension in research and ensure gender equality in research projects.As president of International Association AFECA (2012 – 2018), which brings together universities from thirteen European countries and the USA, and its member she has initiated development and implementation of a series of ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership projects targeted at students’ accounting, auditing and finance skills in the context of the digitalisation and sustainability of the economy, through the application of innovative study and learning practices.During her position as Vice-President for Research (2015-2019) and Chair of Economics (2016-2017), ISM University of Management and Economic has earned top research quality assessment. Previously as Vice-Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management at Vytautas Magnus University, professor of finance, she has taken the lead in projects on study quality improvement, developed several international Double Degree MSc study programs with established universities – Louvain School of Management, Louvain Catholic University (Belgium), NHH (Norway), Trento University (Italy).She has earned a degree of doctor (PhD) in social sciences (economics) from Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics, habilitation (HP) from Vytautas Magnus University.

Research areas

  • Financial economics
  • Industrial organization
  • Corporate governance
  • CSR
  • Sustainable finance
  • Behavioral finance
  • Fintech

Teaching areas

  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Strategy
  • Company Valuation
  • Corporate Governance
  • Sustainable finance


Darškuvienė, V. (2017). Linking corporate governance, ownership structures and financial leverage perspectives. Current status and implications for future research. In J. Baldauf, & S. M. Graschitz (Eds.), Theorie und praxis aus rechnungswesen und wirtschaftsprüfung: nationale und internationale entwicklungen: festschrift für Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steckel (pp. 111-121). Wien: LexisNexis.
Darškuvienė, V. (other), Čivilis, E., Croset, S., Danēvičs, K., & Vänto, J. (2022). Investment at a time of conflict and long-term structural challenges. Joint webinar „Investment in the Baltics: From pandemic to war”, May 20, 1-1
Darškuvienė, V., & Dulkytė, B. (2022). Corporatization of public enterprises: Challenges and policy implications. In XX Milan European Economy Workshop, June 23-24 (pp. 1-1). Milan: Università degli Studi di Milano Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Darškuvienė, V., & Lowitzsch, J. (2020). Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung in Litauen. In J. Lowitzsch (Ed.), Verbreitung der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung in Deutschland und Europa: Entwicklungsperspektiven (Incidence of staff share ownership in Germany and Europe – Development perspectives) (pp. 239-243). Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt.
Darškuvienė, V., & Ragulskis, T. (2023). Development of ESG scoring methodology for SMEs. International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance, December 14-16, 1-16
Darškuvienė, V., Goštautaitė, B., Kundelis, E., Misiūnas, D., & Ščerbina-Dalibagienė, S. (2022). Firm liquidity during the COVID-19 crisis: Chapter 18. In S. Boubaker, & D. K. Nguyen (Eds.), Financial Transformations Beyond the COVID-19 Health Crisis (pp. 535–554). World Scientific.
Darškuvienė, V., Kaupelytė, D., & Petkevičiūtė, N. (2008). Vadybinės kompetencijos nustatymo galimybės mokymo procese. Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai, 45, 17-28
Darškuvienė, V., Misiūnas, D., Ščerbina-Dalibagienė, S., & Kundelis, E. (2020). ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universiteto su COVID-19 pandemija susijusių padarinių Lietuvos verslui tyrimo rekomendacijos. Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas.
Darškuvienė, V., Nasteckienė, V., & Samys, E. (2021). Enterprise risk management in Lithuania. In M. Maffei (Ed.), Enterprise Risk Management in Europe (pp. 75-93). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Bendoraitienė, E., & Darškuvienė, V. (2019). CSR policies and financial risks under stakeholders’ aggressive actions. In R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, S. O. Idowu, & A. S. Herrera (Eds.), International Dimensions of Sustainable Management: Latest Perspectives from Corporate Governance, Responsible Finance and CSR (pp. 133-150). Springer.
Kundelis, E., Darškuvienė, V., & Legenzova, R. (2021). Assessment of corporate tax avoidance across companies operating in small open economies: Evidence from Slovakia. In 3rd Baltic Economic Conference, 7-8, June (pp. 1-1). Tartu: Baltic Economic Association; University of Tartu
Lisauskienė, N., & Darškuvienė, V. (2021). Linking the robo-advisors phenomenon and behavioural biases in investment management: An interdisciplinary literature review and research agenda. Organisations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 12(2), 459-477.
Lisauskienė, N., & Darškuvienė, V. (2021). Linking the robo-advisory phenomenon and behavioural biases in investment management: An interdisciplinary literature review and research agenda. In A. Gadeikiene, A. Pundziene & J. Banyte (Eds.), 2021 IEEE International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship (ICTE) “Leading digital transformation in business and society”: book of abstracts (p. 75). Kaunas: Technologija
Mauricas, Ž., Darškuvienė, V., & Mariničevaitė, T. (2017). Stock market participation puzzle in emerging economies: the case of Lithuania. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 8(2), 225-243.
Poderienė, I., & Darškuvienė, V. (2024). The effects of board composition on postmerger integration. In European Academy of Management Conference, 24-28 June (pp. 3-3). Bath: European Academy of Management
Krūminas, P., Čepėnas, S., & Darškuvienė, V. (2024). When do politicians appeal more broadly? A comment on Chin (2023). I4R Discussion Paper Series, 128, 1-14
Darškuvienė, V., Ščerbina-Dalibagienė, S., Krūminas, P., Misiūnas, D., & Katkov, D. (2024). Firm resilience inmulticrisis environment and the role of the boards. In 27th Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) Conference,August 15-17 (pp. 1-1). Reykjavik: Nordic Academy of Management