Prof. Dr. Vida Škudienė

Vida Škudienė
Prof. Dr. Vida Škudienė


vida.skudiene@ism.ltORCIDGoogle Scholar

Professor dr. Vida Skudiene is Head of graduate program Innovation. Professor is teaching Relationship marketing, Organizational Behavior, People, Organization and Innovation and Innovation and Technology Management at ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania, and Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Japan. The doctoral research Vida Skudiene conducted in the USA, University of South Carolina. Professor has presented her research at international conferences in France, Japan, Israel, US (Hawaii, Chicago), Greece, Croatia, France, Spain, Norway, Jamaica, Sweden, Italy (Boccioni), University of Northern Colorado, USA, and published over 40 articles, e-textbook on Organizational Behaviour, and co-authored books published by Edward Elgar publishing “Knowledge Management and Analytics”, Innovation Management. Perspectives from Strategy, Product, Process and Human Resources Research”. Professor Vida Skudiene is a member of editorial advisory board of “Baltic Journal of Management”, “Business and Economics Journal”, “Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies” and “Social Responsibility Journal”. During her career the Professor has taken the position of Executive Manager Macmillan Publishing House office in Lithuania (8 years), Economist in Kaunas Radio Enterprise (10 years), Executive Director of Management College Language Lyceum (8 years), Senior Lecturer at Vytautas Magnus University (10 years), Dean of Studies at ISM University of Management and Economics (4 years), Head of Department and Professor at ISM University of Management and Economics (15 years); Director of Innovation and Technology Management graduate program at ISM University of Management and Economics (7 years). Professor has been teaching at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Japan, EDHEC university, Paris, France, IPAM Instituto Portugues de Administracao de Marketing, Lisabona, Portugal, Catholica University, Porto, Portugal, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Kroatia, Reykjavik University, Island, Aarhus University, Denmark, Salento University, Lecce, Itali, University of Northern Colorado, USA, etc. Since 2015 professor organizes international study course Innovation and Technology Management Seminar together with Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (NUCB) in Japan. The course integrates seminars at NUCB, meeting managers, and visiting international companies Toyota, Brother, Denso, Mitsubishi Aircraft, Sato Press, Daido Metal, Alpen in Japan.


  • In 2008 gained the best paper Award from the USA Marketing Management Association, USA.
  • In 2012 gained ISM Distinguished Scholar award.
  • In 2013 gained the best paper award from the Clute Institute, Paris.
  • In 2014 gained American Management Association certificate “AMA’s Advanced Course in Strategic Marketing” Chicago, USA.
  • In 2014 gained American Management Association certificate “Getting Results without Authority”, American Management Association, New York, USA.
  • In 2015 gained the best paper award from The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciples, Orlando, USA.
  • In 2017 gained ISM University of Management and Economics ambassador in Japan award.

Research areas

  • Relationship marketing
  • Organizational behavior
  • Innovation management

Teaching areas

  • Relationship Marketing
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Innovation management


Auruškevičienė, V., & Senkevic, S. (2020). Product design innovation and functional innovation effects on consumers adoption of soft furniture. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Ying, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management (pp. 58-71). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Auruškevičienė, V., James, R., & Škudienė, V. (2018). The influence of the media channel on the perceived innovativeness and willingness to pay for a product: An exploratory study. In J. Goldenberg, J. Laran, & A. Stephen (Eds.), 2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference: Integrating Paradigms in a World Where Marketing Is Everywhere. New Orleans, LA, United States.
Auruškevičienė, V., Kuvykaitė, R., & Škudienė, V. (2007). Relationship and transactional marketing integration aspects. Engineering economics, 4(54), 78-86.
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Consumer perceived corporate ethicality impact on retail store loyalty. In The 7th European Business Research Conference, December 15-16. Rome, Italy.
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Šalčiuvienė, L. (2007). Consumers’ demographic characteristics’ impact on shopping style. Changes in social and business environment, 12-17.
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Šalčiuvienė, L. (2008). Consumer self-concept and brand personality correspondence: Case of Lithuanian clothing market. In C. Veloutsou, & N. Papadopoulos (Eds.), Marketing in Dynamic Environments: Contemporary Research Advances (pp. 93-104). ATINER.
Bachev, I., Von Der Crone, C. D., Čižiūnienė, K., Vasilis Vasiliauskas, A., Vasilienė-Vasiliauskienė, V., Kapfenberger-Poindl, U., Kuranovič, V., Bezpartochnyi, M., Živitere, M., Riashchenko, V., Bezpartochna, O., Kolnhofer Derecskei, A., Reicher, R. Z., Škudienė, V., Šukevičiūtė, L., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., Leoński, W., Papšienė, P., Švajdová, L., Červinka, M., Jurča, R., Cícha, P., Koudela, P., Andasarova, R., Kamburova, L., Markova, M., Kinderis, R. (editor), & Petrova, M. (editor) (2017). Mechanisms of interaction between competitiveness and innovation in modern international economic relations: collective monograph. Riga: ISMA University
Bučiūnienė, I., & Škudienė, V. (2008). Impact of leadership styles on staffs’ organizational commitment in Lithuanian manufacturing companies. South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 3(2), 57-65.
Bučiūnienė, I., & Škudienė, V. (2009). Factors influencing sales people motivation and relationship with the organization in B2B sector. Engineering economics, 64(4), 78-85.
Bučiūnienė, I., Stonienė, L., Blaževičienė, A., Kazlauskaitė, R., & Škudienė, V. (2006). Blood donors’ motivation and attitude to non-remunerated blood donation in Lithuania. BMC Public Health, 6, 166, 1-8.
Chmieliauskas, A., Grigorjevaitė, K., & Šimkonis, S. (2020). New role of systems analysts in Agile requirements engineering. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Yang, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management: perspectives from strategy, product, process and human resources research (pp. 114-138). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Gopal, G., & Pilkauskaitė, E. (2020). Implementing process innovation by integrating continuous improvement and business process re-engineering: PART IV PROCESS INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Yang, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management: perspectives from strategy, product, process and human resources research (pp. 93-113). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ivanauskienė, N., Auruskeviciene, V., Škudienė, V., & Nedzinskas, S. (2012). Customer perceptions of value: case of retail banking. Organizations and markets in emerging economies, 3(1), 75-88.
Ivanauskienė, N., Auruškevičienė, V., Ramonienė, L., & Škudienė, V. (2015). The relationship among e-marketing strategy and success of internationalization process of the SMEs in emerging economies. European Journal of Business and Economics, 10(2), 11-15.
Klimavičienė, A., & Sereika, Š. (2020). Innovation and financial performance in telecommunication companies. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Yang, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management (pp. 72-91). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
McCorkle, D., Reardon, J., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2012, April 19-21). Faculty adaptation to foreign student learning styles and expectations. In E. Petkus, Jr, & D. B. McCabe (Eds.), Marketing Educators’ Association: 2012 Annual Conference Proceedings Marketing Education: Experiencing New Frontiers (pp. 231-234). Long Beach, CA, United States.
Miller, C., Škudienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2012). Managing customer loyalty in the entertainment industry in a transitional economy. Review of Management Innovation & Creativity, 6(18), 114-129.
Auruskeviciene, V., Pundziene, A., Skudiene, V., Gripsrud, G., Nes, E. B. O., & Olsson, U. H. (2010). Change of attitudes and country image after hosting major sport event. Engineering economic, 21(1), 53-59.
Buoziute-Rafanaviciene, S., & Skudiene, V. (2010). What is a case. In P. Barsauskas, A. Pundziene, & M. Vadi (Eds.), Stories told in the classroom: How to write and teach with case method (pp. 12-28). ISM University of Management and Economics.
Gineikiene, J., & Skudiene V. (2017). Don’t dare to blur our boundaries: Balancing between current and past identities. In N. Krey & P. Rossi (Eds). Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value: Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 727-737). Springer.
Škudienė, V. (2005). Issues of evaluation of management/business education: A survey of Baltic Business Schools. In The 12th International Conference on Learning: Faculty of Educational Sciences. Granada, Spain
Škudienė, V. (2005). Issues of evaluation of management/business education: A survey of Baltic Business Schools. International Journal of Learning, 12(2), 55-76
Škudienė, V. (2005). Quality of undergraduate management studies in changing university environment. Aukštojo mokslo kokybė, 2, 166-173
Škudienė, V. (2005). The relationship between teaching methods and educational objectives in management and business administration education. Profesinis rengimas. Tyrimai ir realijos, 9, 106-121
Škudienė, V. (2010). Organizacijos elgsena. Elektroninis vadovėlis, Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas.
Škudienė, V. (2010). The effect of entrepreneurs’ emotional intelligence on project outcomes. In Baltic Management Research Academy International Conference BMRA2010: Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship, October, 14-16. Vilnius, Lithuania.
Škudienė, V. (2012). Case method education. The case study method in business. In P. Ammerman, A. Gaweł, M. Pietrzykowski, R. Rauktienė, & T. Williamson (Eds.), The case study method in business education (pp. 9-25). Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Škudienė, V. (2019). Organizational justice, affective commitment, and staff innovative work behavior in IT sector. In 19th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, June 26-28 (pp. 37-37). Lisbon: European Academy of Management
Škudienė, V. (2021). Knowledge management and innovation: issues, gaps, applications and opportunities. In J. Liebowitz (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Knowledge Management and Analytics (pp. 107-120). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Škudienė, V. (2021). Innovation management: Research perspective. XXXI Simpósio de Gestão da Inovação Tecnológica, De Maio 6, 1-17
Škudienė, V. (ed.), Li-Ying, J. (ed.), & Bernhard, F. (ed.) (2020). Innovation management: Perspectives from strategy, product, process and human resources research. New horizons in innovation management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2010) . Adaptation of foreign visiting faculty to local students learning styles and expectations. In International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), November 15-17. Madrid, Spain.
Minelgaitė, I., Littrell, R. F., & Škudienė, V. (2018). Preferred leader behavior in Lithuania business sector: follower diversity perspective. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 9(2), 272-291.
Ramonienė, L., Šukeviciūtė, L., & Škudienė, V. (2015). Internationalization enabled by internetization: e-marketing approach. Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai, 74, 85-102.
Reardon, J., McCorkle, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2009). The effect of culture on consumer e-commerce adoption. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (p. 584). Hilton Kauai beach resort- Kauai, Hawai.
Šernas, V., Kalinauskas, R., Gedvilienė, G., Rajeckas, V. l., Juodaitytė, A., Ažubalis, A., Čiupaila, L., Miškinis, K., Tamošauskas, P., Miniotienė, B., Škudienė, V., Mačianskienė, N., Ramoškienė, A., Šliogerienė, J., Žindžiuvienė, I., Keras, V., Leonavičius, J., Kazlauskas, P. A., Barkauskaitė, M., Sajienė, L., Beresnevičienė, D, Černius, V. J., Lukoševičius, A., Saveljeva, R., Ginevičius, R., Zavadskas, E. K., & Liekis, A. (2006). Akademinė edukologija. II: monografija. Vilnius: VĮ Mokslotyros institutas.
Pundziene, A., Skudiene, V., & Auruskeviciene, V. (2009). Increasing entrepreneurship intensions among business students. In International Conference: Entrepreneurship without borders. Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel.
Reardon, J., Auruskeviciene, V., Salciuviene, L., McCorkle, D., & Skudiene, V. (2008). The effect of culture on consumer intellectual property theft: an exploratory analysis. In L. Fuxman, N. Delener, F. V. Lu, & L. E. Rivera-Solis (Eds.), Tenth International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association: Evolution and Revolution in the Global Knowledge Economy: Enhancing Innovation and Competitiveness Worldwide (pp. 917-922). The Global Business and Technology Association.
Skudienė, V. (2005). Achieving quality management education: Message from undergraduate students. The Management Journal of Institute of Productivity and Management, 6, 3-8.
Skudienė, V. (2006). Management competence antecedences: The role of undergraduate education in Lithuania. The Journal of Perspective Managers, 7, 39-46.
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2012). Paparazzi: redefining value proposition: teaching notes. Poznan : Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation project
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2012). The contribution of corporate social responsibility to intrinsic staff motivation. Baltic Journal of Management, 7(1), 49-67.
Škudienė, V., & Bučiūnienė, I. (2020). UPS Lithuania – choose your own salary: PART VI CASE STUDY. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Yang, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management: perspectives from strategy, product, process and human resources research (pp. 190-195). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Škudienė, V., & Gopal, G. (2021). Examining E-CRM in fostering service innovation competence in E-Commerce Market. In 47th European International Business Academy Annual Conference, December 10-12 (pp. 45-45). Madrid: European International Business Academy
Škudienė, V., & Kazlauskaitė, R. (2006). Management studies in undergraduate education: competitive advantage creation. International Journal of Learning, 13(3), 29-40.
Škudienė, V., & Pilkienė, M. (2009). Opening up creative potential-concepts and images. In EFMD Executive Education conference: From creativity to operational excellence: the challenges for executive education”. Vilnius, Lithuania.
Škudienė, V., Augutytė-Kvedaravičienė, I., Demeško, N., & Suchockis, A. (2018). Exploring the relationship between innovative work behavior and leadership: moderating efect of locus of control. Organization and Markets in Emerging Economies, 9(1), 21-40.
Škudienė, V., Augutytė-Kvedaravičienė, I., Gabrielaitytė, U. (2021). Knowledge management and perceived organisational innovativeness in global organisations. Central European Business Review, 10(3), 51-65.
Škudienė, V., Auruškevičienė, V., Ivanauskienė, N., & Ramonienė, L. (2014). The internationalization and e-marketing adoption of emerging economy SMEs. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 2(2), 110-126.
Škudienė, V., Auruškevičienė, V., Reardon, J., & Štangej, O. (2011). The effect of emotional intelligence on project outcomes. Transformations in Business and Economics, 10(1), 125-137.
Škudienė, V., Dallas, D. E., Kaminska, M., & Reardon, J. (2012). Cross-gender conflict management styles and staff attitudinal outcomes: the mediating role of empowerment and trust. Journal of knowledge and human resource management, 4(6), 13-26.
Škudienė, V., Clinebell, S., Trijonytė, R., & Reardon, J. (2013). Impact of leadership styles on staff organizational commitment. Journal of Service Science, 6(1), 139-152.
Škudienė, V., Everhart, D. D., Šlepikaitė, K., & Reardon, J. (2013). Front-line staffs’ recognition and empowerment effect on retail bank customers’ perceived value. Journal of Service, 6(1), 105-116.
Skudiene, V., & Sukeviciute, L. (2017). Born-again global SMEs internationalization success: the role of e-marketing. In M. Bezpartochnyi (Ed.), Mechanisms of interaction between competitiveness and innovation in modern international economic relations: collective monograph (pp. 89-96). ISMA University.
Skudiene, V., Auruskevciene, V., & Sukeviciute, L. (2015). Internationalization model revisited: E-marketing approach. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 918–924.
Skudiene, V., Auruskeviciene, V., & Pundziene, A. (2010). Factors determining entrepreneurship intentions among business students. Transformations in Business & Economics, 9(1), 448-460.
Skudiene, V., Auruskeviciene, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Fostering business students’ creativity using arts based education: in an interdisciplinary approach. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), INTED2016 Proceedings, 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 5698-5704). IATED Academy.
Skudiene, V., Buciuniene, I., & Gabrielaityte, U. (2018). Perceived organizational innovativeness and knowledge management: case of global business organizations. In 15th International HRM conference. Conference proceedings (pp. 1-1). Madrid: IHRM Conference.
Skudiene, V., Kvederaviciene-Augutyte I., & Domasheva, U. (2018). Artificial intelligence systems, leadership, knowledge management and innovative work behaviour. In M. Bezpartochnyi, & I. Britchenko (Eds.), Management of innovative development the economic entities (pp. 71-85). Higher School of Social and Economic.
Škudiene, V., Čertokas Š., McCorkle D., & Reardon J. (2015). The effect of e-shops’ service quality on Lithuanian consumers’ purchase intentions. International Journal of Business, Marketing and Decision Sciences, 8(1), 43-59.
Škudienė, V., Li-Ying, J., & Bernhard, F. (2020). Innovation management: perspectives from strategy, product, process and human resource research: PART I INTRODUCTION. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Yang, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management: perspectives from strategy, product, process and human resources research (pp. 2-14). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Škudienė, V., McClatchey, C., & Kanclerytė, A. (2013). Strategic versus ad-hoc corporate social performance: an analysis of CSP maturity and its relationship to corporate financial performance. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3(1), 16-32.
Škudienė, V., McCorkle, Y. L., McCorkle, D., & Matuizaitė, J. (2012). The Influence of different loyalty programs on Lithuanian petrol stations customers’ intention to be loyal. Journal of International Business Management & Research, 3(7), 1-18.
Škudienė, V., McCorkle, Y. L., Reardon, J., & Vaitiekunaite, D. (2014). Customer perceived value influence on manufacturer and private label brands repurchase intentions. Journal of International Business Management & Research (JIBMR), 5(15), 94-99.
Škudienė, V., Mccorkle, Y. L., Mccorkle, D., & Blagoveščenskij, D. (2021). The quality of relationship with stakeholders, performance risk and competitive advantage in the hotel, restaurant and café market. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 12(1), 198-221.
Škudienė, V., Vėželienė, G., & Štangej, O. (2020). Transforming human resource management: innovative e-HRM value creation for multinational companies. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Yang, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management: perspectives from strategy, product, process and human resources research (pp. 140-166). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Survilaitė, E., Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2022). Enabling conditions for value co-creation in higher education: The case of international study trips. In The 46th Annual Marketing Educators’ Association Conference (p. 42). Seattle, WA / Online: Marketing Educators’ Association
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2022). Linking personal branding activities on social media and company performance. In 2022 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, 10 – 20 February (pp. 1-1). February 10-11, Virtual | February 18-20 Las Vegas: AMA
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2022). The role of staff influencers in sustaining business and employer brand. In 2022 American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference, 9 – 14 August (pp. 1- 1). August 9, Virtual | August 12-14, Chicago: AMA
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2023). Should you brand yourself? Leveraging executives’ communication on LinkedIn for talent acquisition. In 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, 10 – 12 February (pp. 1-1). Nashville: AMA
Štangej, O., & Škudienė, V. (2013). Family business transgenerational continuity in transition economies: towards a conceptual model. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 4(2(8)), 150-167.
Štangej, O., & Škudienė, V. (2016). The role of familial trust in the leader-member exchange. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 7(1), 53-73.
Žvyrelienė, R., Bučiūnienė, I., Škudienė, V., & Sakalas, A. (2009). Customer retention through supplier-organization-customer relationship marketing. Transformations in Business & Economics, 8(1), 137-151.
Skudiene, V., McCorkle, Y. L., McCorkle, D., & Matuizaite, J. (2011). Cross-Gender conflict management styles and staff attitudinal outcomes: the mediating role of empowerment and trust. IHART Winter 2011 Proceedings: Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference, 20(1), 23-36.
Venciūtė, D., Gintalė, G., Correia, R. F., Lapinskienė, R., & Škudienė, V. (2024). Sustainability, self-identity and generations: the influence of CSR communication on employer brand attractiveness. In 28th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference Proceedings, March 26-27 (pp. 118-122). Vienna: University of Vienna
Venciūtė, D., Degulytė, A., Correia, R. F., Lapinskienė, R., & Škudienė, V. (2024). The effects of parasocial relationship on source credibility and the consumer-based brand equity connection in the context of brand-opinion leader collaborations on social media. In 28th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference Proceedings, March 26-27 (pp. 197-201). Vienna: University of Vienna