Prof. Dr. Viltė Auruškevičienė

Vilte Auruskeviciene
Prof. Dr. Viltė Auruškevičienė

Vice-president for studies, professor

vilte.auruskeviciene@ism.ltORCIDGoogle Scholar

Prof. dr. Viltė Auruškevičienė is the Vice-Rector for Studies at ISM University of Management and Economics (ISM). She obtained her doctoral degree in Social Sciences (management and business administration) from Kaunas University of Technology and completed the habilitation procedure at Vytautas Magnus University. In 2008, the ISM Senate conferred upon her the title of professor. She is a board member and international director for Eastern and Central Europe of the Marketing Educators’ Association (USA), a member of the American Marketing Association (USA), European Marketing Academy, and an editorial board member of the Baltic Journal of Management.

Her main research areas include intercultural consumer behavior and value co-creation. She has delivered lectures at Aarhus University (Denmark), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), University of Manchester (United Kingdom), and IPAM University (Portugal). She regularly presents her research results at conferences such as the American Marketing Association conference, Marketing Educators Association conference, European Marketing Academy conference, and British Academy of Management conference.

Viltė Auruškevičienė has been awarded a scholarship by the Government of Lithuania for research at the University of Warsaw (Poland), conducted research internships at the University of Tokyo (Japan), and won and led two research projects funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (with a total budget of 180 thousand EUR).

She has supervised three successfully defended dissertations, served as a member of the doctoral committee in Management at ISM, and participated as a member of dissertation defense committees (at Vilnius University, Vytautas Magnus University, ISM, and Kaunas University of Technology). She is also an expert for the Research Council of Lithuania, an expert for the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, a member of the Study Committee of the Lithuanian Rectors’ Conference, a board member of LAMA BPO, and a member of the ISM Senate and the Senate of the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania.


  • Best ISM Researcher of the Year Award for research development and dissemination (2008)
  • Award for the best scientific presentation at the Marketing Management Association (MMA) conference in Chicago (2008)
  • EmeraldLiteratiNetwork Award for the best article in the journal „Baltic Journal of Management” (2012)

Research areas

  • Interdisciplinary Consumer Behavior and Value Co-creation


Arya, V., Auruškevičienė, V., Agarwal, S., Kokatnur, P., Kumar, H., & Verma, R. (2024). Let us take a walk to the sustainable tourism practices: a qualitative study through the lens of tourism experts. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31, 12892–12915.
Arya, V., Sahni, S., Oukhayi, B., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2024). Visitors’ attraction and co-creation at World Expo – a qualitative study unveiling visitors’ delight and engagement with immersive technology. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-23.
Survilaitė, E., Auruškevičienė, V., Misiūnas, D., Židonis, Ž., Šidlauskienė, J., & Mačiulis, N. (2024). What drives individuals’ resilience during times of crisis? A systematic literature review. In European Academy of Management Conference, 25-28 June (pp. 1-40). Bath: European Academy of Management
Rimkiene, R., Venciūtė, D., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2023). The role of online brand reputation in improving company’s performance: An exploratory study. In Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Conference, 31 July (Virtual), 4-6 August (34, pp. 678-685). San Francisco: American Marketing Association
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2023). Should you brand yourself? Leveraging executives’ communication on LinkedIn for talent acquisition. In 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, 10 - 12 February (pp. 1-1). Nashville: AMA
Venciūtė, D., Karalius, L., Auruškevičienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2023). Employee advocacy on social media and the way it affects attitudes toward the brand: the role of parasocial relationships. In Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Conference, 31 July (Virtual), 4-6 August (34, pp. 543-550). San Francisco: American Marketing Association
Venciūtė, D., Karalius, L., Reardon, J., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2023). The impact of staffs’ social media advocacy on attitudes toward the brand: the mediating role of parasocial relationships. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 32(8), 1374-1387.
Venciūtė, D., Rimkienė, R., Joye, Y., Bieliūnaitė, I., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2023). Social media presence, psychological well-being, and influencer marketing: motivations, processes, and outcomes. In Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Conference, 31 July (Virtual), 4-6 August (34, pp. 634-641). San Francisco: American Marketing Association
Survilaitė, E., Auruškevičienė, V., Židonis, Ž., Misiūnas, D., & Šidlauskienė, J. (2023). Enhancing education service outcomes through value co-creation. Baltic Journal of Management, 19(1), 103-122.
Brazauskaitė, I., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2022). Product innovation management in retail: an examination of product innovativeness towards performance and moderating role of commercial environment. In 13th European Marketing Academy Regional Conference, 21-23 September (pp. 42-43). Kaunas: EMAC
Brazauskaitė, I., Auruškevičienė, V., & Gerbutavičienė, R. J. (2022). An examination of new product innovativeness and performance: the moderating role of commercial environment. Engineering Economics, 33(5), 486-495.
Survilaitė, E., Auruškevičienė, V., Židonis, Ž., Misiūnas, D., & Šidlauskienė, J. (2022). What drives parents to co-create? Moderating role of ideological orientation and individualism. In European Academy of Management Conference, 15-17 June (pp. 1-39). Zurich: EURAM
Survilaitė, E., Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2022). Enabling conditions for value co-creation in higher education: The case of international study trips. In The 46th Annual Marketing Educators’ Association Conference (p. 42). Seattle, WA / Online: Marketing Educators' Association
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2022). Linking personal branding activities on social media and company performance. In 2022 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, 10 - 20 February (pp. 1-1). February 10-11, Virtual | February 18-20 Las Vegas: AMA
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2022). The role of staff influencers in sustaining business and employer brand. In 2022 American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference, 9 - 14 August (pp. 1- 1). August 9, Virtual | August 12-14, Chicago: AMA
Auruškevičienė, V., & Senkevic, S. (2020). Product design innovation and functional innovation effects on consumers adoption of soft furniture. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Ying, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management (pp. 58-71). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Auruškevičienė, V., James, R., & Škudienė, V. (2018). The influence of the media channel on the perceived innovativeness and willingness to pay for a product: An exploratory study. In J. Goldenberg, J. Laran, & A. Stephen (Eds.), 2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference: Integrating Paradigms in a World Where Marketing Is Everywhere. New Orleans, LA, United States.
Barauskaitė, D., Gineikienė, J., Fennis, B. M., Auruškevičienė, V., Yamaguchi, M., & Kondo, N. (2018). Eating healthy to impress: How conspicuous consumption, perceived self-control motivation, and descriptive normative influence determine functional food choices. Appetite, 131, 59-67.
Auruškevičienė, V., & Venciūtė, D. (2017). Does social media drive new venture performance? In 23rd EBES Conference September, 27-29 (pp. 80-80). Madrid: EBES
Auruškevičienė, V., Gaivenytė, R., & Reardon, J. (2017). The impact of market orientation on organizational innovativeness. In 8th Annual global business conference 2017, Dubrovnik, September 27th – 30th,2017 (pp. 22-22). Dubrovnik: Innovation institute
Brazauskaitė, I., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Moderating role of environmental settings in relationship between product innovativeness and its performance during the launch. Economics and Business, 31, 44-54.
Brazauskaitė, I., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Role of retail category management decisions in relationship between new product innovativeness and its performance. In 8th EMAC regional conference "Bridging the marketing theory (pp. 24-24). Timisoara: West university press.
Conner, S. L., Reardon, J., Miller, C., Šalčiuvienė, L., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Cultural antecedents to the normative, affective, and cognitive effects of domestic versus foreign purchase behavior. Journal of business economics and management, 18(1), 100-115.
Gineikiene J., Schlegelmilch B. B., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). “Ours” or “theirs”? Psychological ownership and domestic products preferences. Journal of Business Research, 72, 93–103.
Reardon, J., Vianelli, D., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Assessing consumer preferences for foreign and domestic products before and during an economic crisis: a longitudinal examination. In AMA Conference: Better marketing for a better world, February 17-19. Orlando, FL, United States.
Šalčiuvienė, L., Ivanauskienė, N., Auruškevičienė, V., & Mikoliūnas, T. (2017). Moderating effects of customer profitability in the retail banking services sector. In 50th Academy Marketing Conference, 3-6 July (pp. 66-66). Hull: University of Hul
Šalčiuvienė, L., Ivanauskienė, N., Auruškevičienė, V., & Mikoliūnas, T. (2017). Reasessing relationship equity in the retail banking services sector. In 50th Academy Marketing Conference, 3-6 July (pp. 70-70). Hull: University of Hull
Venciūtė, D., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). The impact of social media marketing capabilities on new firm performance. In 16th international conference: Perspectives of business and entrepreneurship development in digital age, September 20-22 (p. 60). Brno: Brno University of Technology
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Consumer perceived corporate ethicality impact on retail store loyalty. In The 7th European Business Research Conference, December 15-16. Rome, Italy.
Skudiene, V., Auruskeviciene, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Fostering business students’ creativity using arts based education: in an interdisciplinary approach. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), INTED2016 Proceedings, 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 5698-5704). IATED Academy.
Ivanauskienė, N., Auruškevičienė, V., Ramonienė, L., & Škudienė, V. (2015). The relationship among e-marketing strategy and success of internationalization process of the SMEs in emerging economies. European Journal of Business and Economics, 10(2), 11-15.
Šalčiuvienė, L., Auruškevičienė, V., & Ivanauskienė, N. (2014). Key drivers affecting customer intention to purchase financial services online. Engineering Economics, 25(2), 194-202.
Škudienė, V., Auruškevičienė, V., Ivanauskienė, N., & Ramonienė, L. (2014). The internationalization and e-marketing adoption of emerging economy SMEs. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 2(2), 110-126.
Auruškevičienė, V., Ivanauskienė, N., & Bielskienė, M. (2013). Consumer perceived corporate ethicality impact on retail chain image: examination from vicarious and personal perspectives. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 1(1), 1-13.
Auruškevičienė, V., Ivanauskienė, N., & Šalčiuvienė, L. (2013). Perceived value drivers of customer loyalty in an emerging market. In Managing to make a difference, British Academy of Management BAM conference proceedings (pp. 1-5). Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Ivanauskienė, N., Šalčiuvienė, L., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2013). Valuation of drivers of perceived customer value in various retail banking segments in an emerging market. In Managing to make a difference, British Academy of management BAM conference proceedings (pp. 1-4). Liverpool, UK.
Ivanauskienė, N., & Auruskevičienė, V. (2013). The impact of value equity and brand equity on loyalty: an empirical investigation in retail banking. Organizacijų vadyba, 65, 21-31.
McCorkle, D., Reardon, J., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2012, April 19-21). Faculty adaptation to foreign student learning styles and expectations. In E. Petkus, Jr, & D. B. McCabe (Eds.), Marketing Educators’ Association: 2012 Annual Conference Proceedings Marketing Education: Experiencing New Frontiers (pp. 231-234). Long Beach, CA, United States.
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2012). Paparazzi: redefining value proposition: teaching notes. Poznan : Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation project
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2012). The contribution of corporate social responsibility to intrinsic staff motivation. Baltic Journal of Management, 7(1), 49-67.
Ivanauskienė, N., Auruskeviciene, V., Škudienė, V., & Nedzinskas, S. (2012). Customer perceptions of value: case of retail banking. Organizations and markets in emerging economies, 3(1), 75-88.
Škudienė, V., Auruškevičienė, V., Reardon, J., & Štangej, O. (2011). The effect of emotional intelligence on project outcomes. Transformations in Business and Economics, 10(1), 125-137.
Auruskeviciene, V., Pundziene, A., Skudiene, V., Gripsrud, G., Nes, E. B. O., & Olsson, U. H. (2010). Change of attitudes and country image after hosting major sport event. Engineering economic, 21(1), 53-59.
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2010) . Adaptation of foreign visiting faculty to local students learning styles and expectations. In International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), November 15-17. Madrid, Spain.
Skudiene, V., Auruskeviciene, V., & Pundziene, A. (2010). Factors determining entrepreneurship intentions among business students. Transformations in Business & Economics, 9(1), 448-460.
Reardon, J., McCorkle, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2009). The effect of culture on consumer e-commerce adoption. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (p. 584). Hilton Kauai beach resort- Kauai, Hawai.
Pundziene, A., Skudiene, V., & Auruskeviciene, V. (2009). Increasing entrepreneurship intensions among business students. In International Conference: Entrepreneurship without borders. Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel.
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Šalčiuvienė, L. (2008). Consumer self-concept and brand personality correspondence: Case of Lithuanian clothing market. In C. Veloutsou, & N. Papadopoulos (Eds.), Marketing in Dynamic Environments: Contemporary Research Advances (pp. 93-104). ATINER.
Ivanauskienė, N., & Auruskeviciene, V. (2008). Klientų lojalumo programos: tendencijos mažmeninės bankininkystės rinkoje. Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 3(12), 116-123.
Reardon, J., Auruskeviciene, V., Salciuviene, L., McCorkle, D., & Skudiene, V. (2008). The effect of culture on consumer intellectual property theft: an exploratory analysis. In L. Fuxman, N. Delener, F. V. Lu, & L. E. Rivera-Solis (Eds.), Tenth International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association: Evolution and Revolution in the Global Knowledge Economy: Enhancing Innovation and Competitiveness Worldwide (pp. 917-922). The Global Business and Technology Association.
Auruškevičienė, V., Kuvykaitė, R., & Škudienė, V. (2007). Relationship and transactional marketing integration aspects. Engineering economics, 4(54), 78-86.
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Šalčiuvienė, L. (2007). Consumers’ demographic characteristics’ impact on shopping style. Changes in social and business environment, 12-17.
Auruskeviciene, V., Kazlauskaite, R., Salciuviene, L., & Trifanovas, A. (2006). A comparison between recent and prospective critical success factors for Lithuanian printing industry. Managing global transitions: international research journal, 4(4), 327-346.
Auruskeviciene, V., Salciuviene, L., & Kazlauskaite, R. (2005). Identification of Critical Success Factors in the Lithuanian Printing Industry. In J. Kolenak, L. Masterova, & M. Mihalisko (Eds.), The 13th Annual International Conference: Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe: Conference proceedings (pp. 237-242). Brno University of Technology


Auruškevičienė, V., & Senkevic, S. (2020). Product design innovation and functional innovation effects on consumers adoption of soft furniture. In V. Škudienė, J. Li-Ying, & F. Bernhard (Eds.), Innovation Management (pp. 58-71). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Auruškevičienė, V., & Venciūtė, D. (2017). Does social media drive new venture performance? In 23rd EBES Conference September, 27-29 (pp. 80-80). Madrid: EBES
Auruškevičienė, V., Gaivenytė, R., & Reardon, J. (2017). The impact of market orientation on organizational innovativeness. In 8th Annual global business conference 2017, Dubrovnik, September 27th – 30th,2017 (pp. 22-22). Dubrovnik: Innovation institute
Auruškevičienė, V., Ivanauskienė, N., & Bielskienė, M. (2013). Consumer perceived corporate ethicality impact on retail chain image: examination from vicarious and personal perspectives. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 1(1), 1-13.
Auruškevičienė, V., Ivanauskienė, N., & Šalčiuvienė, L. (2013). Perceived value drivers of customer loyalty in an emerging market. In Managing to make a difference, British Academy of Management BAM conference proceedings (pp. 1-5). Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Auruškevičienė, V., James, R., & Škudienė, V. (2018). The influence of the media channel on the perceived innovativeness and willingness to pay for a product: An exploratory study. In J. Goldenberg, J. Laran, & A. Stephen (Eds.), 2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference: Integrating Paradigms in a World Where Marketing Is Everywhere. New Orleans, LA, United States.
Auruškevičienė, V., Kuvykaitė, R., & Škudienė, V. (2007). Relationship and transactional marketing integration aspects. Engineering economics, 4(54), 78-86.
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Consumer perceived corporate ethicality impact on retail store loyalty. In The 7th European Business Research Conference, December 15-16. Rome, Italy.
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Šalčiuvienė, L. (2007). Consumers’ demographic characteristics’ impact on shopping style. Changes in social and business environment, 12-17.
Auruškevičienė, V., Škudienė, V., & Šalčiuvienė, L. (2008). Consumer self-concept and brand personality correspondence: Case of Lithuanian clothing market. In C. Veloutsou, & N. Papadopoulos (Eds.), Marketing in Dynamic Environments: Contemporary Research Advances (pp. 93-104). ATINER.
Arya, V., Auruškevičienė, V., Agarwal, S., Kokatnur, P., Kumar, H., & Verma, R. (2024). Let us take a walk to the sustainable tourism practices: a qualitative study through the lens of tourism experts. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31, 12892–12915.
Barauskaitė, D., Gineikienė, J., Fennis, B. M., Auruškevičienė, V., Yamaguchi, M., & Kondo, N. (2018). Eating healthy to impress: How conspicuous consumption, perceived self-control motivation, and descriptive normative influence determine functional food choices. Appetite, 131, 59-67.
Brazauskaitė, I., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Moderating role of environmental settings in relationship between product innovativeness and its performance during the launch. Economics and Business, 31, 44-54.
Brazauskaitė, I., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Role of retail category management decisions in relationship between new product innovativeness and its performance. In 8th EMAC regional conference „Bridging the marketing theory (pp. 24-24). Timisoara: West university press.
Brazauskaitė, I., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2022). Product innovation management in retail: an examination of product innovativeness towards performance and moderating role of commercial environment. In 13th European Marketing Academy Regional Conference, 21-23 September (pp. 42-43). Kaunas: EMAC
Brazauskaitė, I., Auruškevičienė, V., & Gerbutavičienė, R. J. (2022). An examination of new product innovativeness and performance: the moderating role of commercial environment. Engineering Economics, 33(5), 486-495.
Conner, S. L., Reardon, J., Miller, C., Šalčiuvienė, L., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Cultural antecedents to the normative, affective, and cognitive effects of domestic versus foreign purchase behavior. Journal of business economics and management, 18(1), 100-115.
Auruskeviciene, V., Kazlauskaite, R., Salciuviene, L., & Trifanovas, A. (2006). A comparison between recent and prospective critical success factors for Lithuanian printing industry. Managing global transitions: international research journal, 4(4), 327-346.
Auruskeviciene, V., Pundziene, A., Skudiene, V., Gripsrud, G., Nes, E. B. O., & Olsson, U. H. (2010). Change of attitudes and country image after hosting major sport event. Engineering economic, 21(1), 53-59.
Auruskeviciene, V., Salciuviene, L., & Kazlauskaite, R. (2005). Identification of Critical Success Factors in the Lithuanian Printing Industry. In J. Kolenak, L. Masterova, & M. Mihalisko (Eds.), The 13th Annual International Conference: Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe: Conference proceedings (pp. 237-242). Brno University of Technology
Gineikiene J., Schlegelmilch B. B., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). “Ours” or “theirs”? Psychological ownership and domestic products preferences. Journal of Business Research, 72, 93–103.
Ivanauskienė, N., Auruškevičienė, V., Ramonienė, L., & Škudienė, V. (2015). The relationship among e-marketing strategy and success of internationalization process of the SMEs in emerging economies. European Journal of Business and Economics, 10(2), 11-15.
Ivanauskienė, N., Šalčiuvienė, L., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2013). Valuation of drivers of perceived customer value in various retail banking segments in an emerging market. In Managing to make a difference, British Academy of management BAM conference proceedings (pp. 1-4). Liverpool, UK.
McCorkle, D., Reardon, J., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2012, April 19-21). Faculty adaptation to foreign student learning styles and expectations. In E. Petkus, Jr, & D. B. McCabe (Eds.), Marketing Educators’ Association: 2012 Annual Conference Proceedings Marketing Education: Experiencing New Frontiers (pp. 231-234). Long Beach, CA, United States.
Reardon, J., McCorkle, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2009). The effect of culture on consumer e-commerce adoption. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute (p. 584). Hilton Kauai beach resort- Kauai, Hawai.
Reardon, J., Vianelli, D., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). Assessing consumer preferences for foreign and domestic products before and during an economic crisis: a longitudinal examination. In AMA Conference: Better marketing for a better world, February 17-19. Orlando, FL, United States.
Rimkiene, R., Venciūtė, D., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2023). The role of online brand reputation in improving company’s performance: An exploratory study. In Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Conference, 31 July (Virtual), 4-6 August (34, pp. 678-685). San Francisco: American Marketing Association
Šalčiuvienė, L., Auruškevičienė, V., & Ivanauskienė, N. (2014). Key drivers affecting customer intention to purchase financial services online. Engineering Economics, 25(2), 194-202.
Šalčiuvienė, L., Ivanauskienė, N., Auruškevičienė, V., & Mikoliūnas, T. (2017). Moderating effects of customer profitability in the retail banking services sector. In 50th Academy Marketing Conference, 3-6 July (pp. 66-66). Hull: University of Hul
Šalčiuvienė, L., Ivanauskienė, N., Auruškevičienė, V., & Mikoliūnas, T. (2017). Reasessing relationship equity in the retail banking services sector. In 50th Academy Marketing Conference, 3-6 July (pp. 70-70). Hull: University of Hull
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2010) . Adaptation of foreign visiting faculty to local students learning styles and expectations. In International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), November 15-17. Madrid, Spain.
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2012). Paparazzi: redefining value proposition: teaching notes. Poznan : Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation project
Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2012). The contribution of corporate social responsibility to intrinsic staff motivation. Baltic Journal of Management, 7(1), 49-67.
Ivanauskienė, N., & Auruskeviciene, V. (2008). Klientų lojalumo programos: tendencijos mažmeninės bankininkystės rinkoje. Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 3(12), 116-123.
Ivanauskienė, N., Auruskeviciene, V., Škudienė, V., & Nedzinskas, S. (2012). Customer perceptions of value: case of retail banking. Organizations and markets in emerging economies, 3(1), 75-88.
Ivanauskienė, N., & Auruskevičienė, V. (2013). The impact of value equity and brand equity on loyalty: an empirical investigation in retail banking. Organizacijų vadyba, 65, 21-31.
Pundziene, A., Skudiene, V., & Auruskeviciene, V. (2009). Increasing entrepreneurship intensions among business students. In International Conference: Entrepreneurship without borders. Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel.
Reardon, J., Auruskeviciene, V., Salciuviene, L., McCorkle, D., & Skudiene, V. (2008). The effect of culture on consumer intellectual property theft: an exploratory analysis. In L. Fuxman, N. Delener, F. V. Lu, & L. E. Rivera-Solis (Eds.), Tenth International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association: Evolution and Revolution in the Global Knowledge Economy: Enhancing Innovation and Competitiveness Worldwide (pp. 917-922). The Global Business and Technology Association.
Skudiene, V., Auruskeviciene, V., & Pundziene, A. (2010). Factors determining entrepreneurship intentions among business students. Transformations in Business & Economics, 9(1), 448-460.
Skudiene, V., Auruskeviciene, V., & Reardon, J. (2016). Fostering business students’ creativity using arts based education: in an interdisciplinary approach. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), INTED2016 Proceedings, 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 5698-5704). IATED Academy.
Survilaitė, E., Auruškevičienė, V., Židonis, Ž., Misiūnas, D., & Šidlauskienė, J. (2022). What drives parents to co-create? Moderating role of ideological orientation and individualism. In European Academy of Management Conference, 15-17 June (pp. 1-39). Zurich: EURAM
Survilaitė, E., Škudienė, V., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2022). Enabling conditions for value co-creation in higher education: The case of international study trips. In The 46th Annual Marketing Educators’ Association Conference (p. 42). Seattle, WA / Online: Marketing Educators’ Association
Venciūtė, D., & Auruškevičienė, V. (2017). The impact of social media marketing capabilities on new firm performance. In 16th international conference: Perspectives of business and entrepreneurship development in digital age, September 20-22 (p. 60). Brno: Brno University of Technology
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2022). Linking personal branding activities on social media and company performance. In 2022 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, 10 – 20 February (pp. 1-1). February 10-11, Virtual | February 18-20 Las Vegas: AMA
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2022). The role of staff influencers in sustaining business and employer brand. In 2022 American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference, 9 – 14 August (pp. 1- 1). August 9, Virtual | August 12-14, Chicago: AMA
Venciūtė, D., Auruškevičienė, V., & Škudienė, V. (2023). Should you brand yourself? Leveraging executives’ communication on LinkedIn for talent acquisition. In 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, 10 – 12 February (pp. 1-1). Nashville: AMA
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