Dr. Vincentas Vobolevičius

Economics and Politics programme director
vincentas.vobolevicius@ism.ltORCIDDr. Vincentas Vobolevičius, the director of Economics and Politics bachelor’s programme at ISM University of Management and Economics, is an Associate Professor and a Head of Politics Subjects Group at ISM University of Management and Economics, specializing in political economy, post-communist transformations, public choice and statistical data analysis. In addition to teaching at ISM Vincentas has served as a member of the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Lithuania as well as a member of Lithuanian Radio and Television Commission.Prior joining ISM, Vincentas taught at New York University and Manhatan College, as well as did consulting work for Evalueserve Ltd., a global knowledge process management company. In summer and fall of 1999, Vincentas worked as a research assistant at the South Carolina Chamber of commerce, in Columbia, SC.Vincentas holds a Ph.D. in International Political Economy from New York University. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa society, and holds several outstanding lecturer awards and received the Teacher Of The Year 2011 Award.
Teacher Of The Year 2011 Award
Research areas
Political economy
Post-communist transformations
Teaching areas
Introduction to Politics
Political Economy
Post-Communist Transformations
International Relations