Doyle, E., & Poškutė, V. (2024). Stakeholder management: International Encyclopedia of Business Management. Amsterdam: Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-13701-3.00228-0
Poškutė, V., & Kazlauskaitė, R. (2024). Harmonizing work and life: Unravelling national and organizational patternsin Nordic and Baltic regions. 22nd ESPAnet Annual Conference, August 28 - 30, 1-20
Poškutė, V. (2024). Balancing formal and informal long-term care of older people in changing societies: Case ofLithuania. 7th International conference on evidence-based policy and long-term care, September 12-14, 1-16
Poškutė, V., Gudaitis, T., Medaiskis, T., & Mečkovski, J. (2022). Search for sustainable pension system and state support for funded pensions in CEE countries. Business: Theory and Practice, 23(2), 313–322.
Lopes, A., & Poškutė, V. (2022). Long-term care in aging societies. In B. Greve (Ed.), De Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States (pp. 233-254). De Gruyter.
Mečkovski, J., Gudaitis, T., Medaiskis, T., & Poškutė, V. (2022). State participation in funded pension systems in selected central and eastern European countries. Eastern European Economics, 1-17.
Poškutė, V., Gudaitis, T., Medaiskis, T., & Mečkovski, J. (2021). Public policies transforming retirement pensions in Central and Eastern Europe. In 5th International Conference on Public Policy, Barcelona, 05-09, July (pp. 1-1). International Public Policy Association
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., & Matonytė, I. (2021). Stakeholder collaboration in long-term care of older people in Lithuania. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(1), 193-202.
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Liubertė, I., & Matonytė, I. (2021). Improvement of long-term care for older people via inter-sectoral and inter-organizational collaboration. In 5th International Conference on Public Policy, Barcelona, 05-09, July (pp. 1-1). International Public Policy Association
Poškutė, V. (2019). Challenges of long-term care of the elderly in XXI century: policy changes required. In The 4th edition of the International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4) (pp. 1-1). Montreal: International Public Policy Association
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2019). Caring is sharing: stakeholder collaboration in long-term care of older persons in Lithuania. In 4th edition of the International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4), June 26-28. Montreal, Canada.
Kazlauskaitė, R., Poškutė, V., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2019). NGOs and stakeholder cooperation in LTC organising and delivery: An equal player or a stranger? In Transforming Care Conference, Changing priorities: the making of care policy and practices: books of abstracts (p. 89). Copenhagen, Denmark
Matonytė, I., Kazlauskaitė, R., & Poškutė, V. (2019). Ilgalaikė senyvo amžiaus asmenų globa Lietuvoje: visuomenės nuostatos ir paslaugų teikėjų požiūriai. Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika, 18, 74-95.
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2019). Improving long-term care for the elderly: A multi-level framework for inter-sectoral and organisational collaboration. In Aging & Social Change: Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference (pp. 1-1). Champaign: Common Ground Research Networks
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2019). Reducing social exclusion by meeting long-term care needs for the elderly: enhancement of stakeholder collaboration and engagement. In Social Citizenship, Migration and Conflict: Equality and opportunity in European welfare states (pp. 38-38). University of Sweden
Poškutė, V. (2018). Are the concepts of ‘social investment’ and ‘long-term care for the elderly’ compatible? Perceptions of long-term care stakeholders in Lithuania. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 34(2), 151-167.
Poškutė, V. (2018). Investment in long-term care – stakeholder perspectives. In SPRINT 2018, Social Investment in Affordable and Quality Long-Term Care (pp. 1-1). Brussels, European Parliament: SPRINT Project
Poškutė, V., Kazlauskaitė, R., Matonytė, I., & Ramonienė, L. (2018). Stakeholder engagement and collaboration in long-term care of older persons in Lithuania: Key stakeholders perceptions of synergy possibilities and barriers. In ILPN Conference 2018: Book of abstracts (pp. 127-128). Viena: The International Long-term care Policy Network
Lopes, A., & Poškutė, V. (2018). Social investment in LTC - findings from the sprint project. In XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology: Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities (p. 584). Toronto: International sociological association
Poškutė, V. (2017). Are concepts of social investment and long-term care compatible? perceptions of long-term care stakeholders in Lithuania. In 3rd Transforming Care Conference: Innovation and sustainability, June 26-28. Milan, Italy.
Poškutė, V. (2017). Long term-care challenges and perspectives. In B. Greve (Ed.), Long-term care for the elderly in Europe: development and prospects (social welfare around the world) (pp. 23-37). Routledge.
Poškutė, V. (2017). Social investment as solution to challenges of long-term care for elderly in aging societies? In Aging & society: seventh Interdisciplinary conference social inequalities, exclusion, and age-discrimination, 3-4 November (p. 50). University of California at Berkeley: Common ground research networks
Poškutė, V. (2017). The SPRINT study: Exploring success factors in long-term care. Sprint Social protection innovative investment in long-term care, November 9, 2017.
Poškutė, V., & Greve, B. (2017). Long-term care in Denmark and Lithuania – A most dissimilar case. Social policy & administration, 51(4), 659-675.
Lopes, A., Poškutė, V., Greve, B., Ismolinnosmaa, I., & Rutkowska, Z. (2017). Social investment in long-term care: stakeholders' views. In 13th conference of the European sociological association, (un)making Europe: capitalism, solidarities, subjectivities, Athens 08.29- 09.01 (pp. 124-124). Athens: Europian sociological association