Distribution Channels (MNG288)

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Course goals

The aim of this course is to understand the realities of distribution channels and namely the new distribution and communication formats. It should enable the student to understand the various forms of strategic, horizontal and vertical interdependencies that link producers and intermediaries, as well as their strategic implications. It also emphasizes the complexity of the distributor’s retailing mix decisions (choice of point of sale location, optimization of the assortment, merchandising decisions …) in an integrated omnichannel world. This course delivers high value content on how Strategic business channel management and retailing can improve the performance of the business regardless of the business model.

Course results

  • Understand the recent evolution of the distribution channels and their influence on sales, marketing and company´s strategy as a whole;
  • Be aware of the new distribution channels and sales concepts and their strategic consequences on the marketing variables;
  • Follow the evolution of distribution channels and understand the different points of change on the company strategic analysis (rationalization, consumer profiles and the rhythms they impose, competition, Win-Win relationships, technologies, family models, internationalization, franchising, outsourcing);
  • Understand the logistics function – physical distribution and marketing management (just-in-time and just-for-you);
  • Clarify the new management techniques at the point of sale and the connection with Technology;
  • Understand the omnichannel world (offline + online) and the impact of data analytics on the distribution scope;
  • Critically analyse and provide practical examples of the best today´s distribution approaches;