E-Commerce (MNG154)

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Course goals

The course is intended to provide knowledge for students to discuss critical issues that determine the success of e-commerce projects. Students will be able to identify different e-commerce models and apply them in practice. E-marketing and its effect on customers will be also touched during this class. Therefore by the end of the course students will be able to come up with ideas and initiatives to better plan, develop, manage and operate effective and efficient e-businesses. This course provides a balanced analysis of e-commerce theory and business strategies. The first half of the course focuses on e-commerce models and their applicability in practice. Second half of the course aims to investigate how businesses are using e-commerce tools to achieve success. Mainly HBR articles and case studies will be used as reading materials. Students will be encouraged to apply newly developed skills to develop individual or team projects.

Course results

  • Provide students with basic understanding of e-commerce concepts, its evolution.
  • Enhance students abilities to analyze and research e-commerce cases, to identify major demand-side threats and opportunities for acting of new business establishment or product.
  • Enable students to identify e-commerce opportunities.
  • Enable students to start own e-commerce projects.
  • Expand students understanding about the role of social marketing.
  • To be able to work in a team, to present work results in written or oral form, to be able to argue decision.