Personal Branding (MNG289)

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Course goals

Personal Branding course equips students with essential skills to strategically develop and manage their personal brands. Covering the fundamentals of personal branding, the course explores its necessity in today’s competitive landscape. Students learn to craft a unique brand identity through strategic communication, content creation, and network expansion. The curriculum emphasizes practical applications, guiding participants in leveraging social media and professional networks to articulate their brand effectively. By course completion, students gain the knowledge and tools to enhance their professional presence, communicate authentically, and build a robust network, positioning themselves for sustained success in their chosen field.

Course results

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of personal branding and its applications in the business context.
  • Demonstrate the ability to categorize and apply various forms of personal branding to achieve both personal and professional objectives, fostering success in one’s career.
  • Analyze a diverse array of personal branding strategies, enabling individuals to navigate their personal and professional aspirations, ultimately thriving in their careers.
  • Create and present strategic personal branding guidelines that employ an appropriate set of objectives, channels, and messages.
  • Craft compelling statements and messages related to personal branding, ensuring their efficacy in professional communication for the attainment of career goals.
  • Identify strategic connections that can be used in strengthening one’s personal brand.