Social and Sustainable Business Innovations (GRAB015)

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Course goals

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are faced with pressing social and environmental issues as well as staying competitive and innovative. Too often these multiple goals are perceived as competing, but is it always the case? During this module students will be invited to explore business sustainability as a driving force for innovation and competitive advantage. This is an interdisciplinary module, applying a lense of Organisational Behaviour in order to better understand how indiviuduals and organisations behave, learn and create meaningful change. Duringh the module students learn and apply creativity and innovation methods and tools in order to deliver original solutions to address social and sustainable business challenges.

Course results

  • Understand key theoretical frameworks in workplace creativity and innovation applied in the context of sustainability.
  • Think critically, analyse problems, understand, apply and develop concepts, synthesise different types of information, evaluate and make rationally argued judgements.
  • Apply principles of design thinking as a problem solving method to solve sustainability challenges.
  • Research a topic or problem, apply qualitative and quantitative methods to make evidence-based decisions.
  • Communicate effectively: written and oral, as well as effective use of data, and new collaboration tools.
  • Design thinking, creative problem solving, creative collaboration and presentation skills.