Technology and Cybersecurity management (MNG286)

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Course goals

Purpose of the course is to introduce the relationship in the context of management between information society and information communication technology development, disruptive technologies, business information systems and cyber security globalization, to examine the peculiarities of information systems’ development, WEB technologies – WEB 1.0, WEB. 2.0, WEB 3.0, different types of internet technology platforms (e. g. mobile applications), Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 strategies for different business solutions, the importance of privacy and data protection on cyberspace (some GDPR aspects for cyberspace) by implementing e-signature and e-time stamping technologies for business, the cyber security strategic management in a global business context, the implementation of e-payment systems, e-money and crypto currency, fosterage of Technology Start-ups, marketing technology tools and to apply the acquired knowledge in practical situations.

Course results

  • Students will understand technologies applications and cybersecurity challenges
  • Students will be able to conduct an analysis to identify a problem associated with cybersecurity issues, to generate managerial options and propose viable solutions
  • Students will be able to make decisions using appropriate technologies in managing problems, using IT tools
  • Students will be able to present strategic decisions, related with cybersecurity isues in management field.