Customer Value Analytics (GRAV031)

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Course goals

Customer Value Analytics is about turning customer data into insights, into decisions, into business value. Overall, the course is designed to provide students with a foundation on how to measure and manage customer value to increase profitable growth – and how to raise a company’s customer value accountability to a higher level.The relevance of any marketing organization depends on its ability to systematically manage customer value, and the best marketers aspire to make this happen. From a leadership vantage point, there’s a lot riding on marketing’s ability to make a shift from product orientation to market and customer value orientation, because reactive and purely tactical marketing doesn’t exercise much impact.This course covers some of the key ideas for customer value analysis and analytics. The approach taken throughout the course hinges on three questions:

  • What are the outcomes that the business needs to achieve to meet its goals?
  • What does senior management expect marketing to contribute towards these outcomes?
  • How will senior management know that marketing has made contribution?

Course results

  • Understand the importance of customer value analytics and how it can help improve the measurement and management of marketing performance.
  • Understand how to use and apply key customer value analytics concepts.
  • Learn to apply customer value analytics to a company and present customer value analytics and metrics in a management report, or in a form of a dashboard.
  • Understand the barriers to successful implementation of customer value analytics as well as the potential for improved performance and profitability.