
Personalo mobilumas – institucijų bendradarbiavimo kokybės garantas

Tarptautinis mokslinis seminaras Lietuva ir Sakartvelas iš 100 metų retrospektyvos, spalio 11–12 d., 1-30

Promotion hurts brand personality and consumer responses

International Journal of Business & Management Studies, 05(05), 97-106

Decreasing employability with age? The role of automation risk, lifelong learning and occupational mobility

Baltic Journal Of Management, 19(2), 145-162

Reassessing the inversion of the Treasury yield curve as a sign of U.S. recessions: Insights from the housing and credit markets

The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 73, 1-12

Flight ticket or Zoom meeting? Academic staff mobility in “old” and “new normality”

Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 28(2), 185-198

Sustainability-oriented leader, please! Effects of industry on followers’ preferences

Administrative Sciences, 14(3, 46), 1-26

Unearthing the legacy: Contrasting Soviet imprints on early NGOs in Lithuania

Voluntas, 1-13

Chapter 9 Communication: Cranet executive report on international human resource management: Summary and analysis of 2021-2022 survey data

State College: The Pennsylvania State University

The test of COVID 19: a make or break for CSR

In Proceedings of the British Academy of Management Conference, 1 September (virtual day) & 5-6 September (in-person) (pp. 1-8). British Academy of Management

Retaking Nineveh: Professional Wargaming

Banzai, 19, 35-37