
The pirates of the Caribbean: Piratical economies, constitutions and democracies

Third International Scientific Conference, April 20, 1-15

Ethnic fractionalization, party system and redistribution in Central and Eastern Europe

In 12th Annual Lithuanian Conference on Economic Research, December 28 (pp. 1-1). The Bank of Lithuania and the Baltic Economic Association

Governmentality of mega projects in Iceland: "’s all about people"

Journal of International Doctoral Research, 10(1), 6-24

Migration and unemployment: the case of Europe

12th Annual Lithuanian Conference on Economic Research, December 28, 1-17

Investment at a time of conflict and long-term structural challenges

Joint webinar "Investment in the Baltics: From pandemic to war", May 20, 1-1

Corporatization of public enterprises: Challenges and policy implications

In XX Milan European Economy Workshop, June 23-24 (pp. 1-1). Milan: Università degli Studi di Milano Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Multi-level governance in interorganizational project settings

In British Academy of Management Conference, 31st August - 3rd September, 1-25

Development of ESG scoring methodology for SMEs

International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance, December 14-16, 1-16

Assessing the global competitiveness of European countries

Journal of Competitiveness, 15(4), 36-52

Resilient business models for sustainability entrepreneuring: Stories from Wallmapu, Abya Yala

In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Business Models (pp. 1-7). Maastricht University Press