Dr. Cen April Yue

Visiting lecturer at ISM, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication at University of Connecticut, Affiliate Scholar, Internal Communication Research Hub at University of Florida
cenyue@faculty.ism.ltGoogle ScholarCen (April) Yue is an Assistant Professor of Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations at the University of Connecticut. Her research interests focus on internal public relations, leadership communication, organizational change management, corporate social responsibility, and relationship management. She has published in scholarly journals such as the Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Communication, and International Journal of Business Communication, among others. She has received over 10 top paper and research awards and recognitions from national and international communication associations and conferences. She is also the Chief Research Editor at the Institute for Public Relations’ Organizational Communication Research Center.
Research areas
- Public Relations
- Leadership Communication
- Internal/Employee communication
- Executive Social Media Management
- Organizational Change Communication
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Relationship Management
- Organizational Culture
Teaching areas
- Public Relations
- Communication Research Method
- Communication Campaign